
Many of my friends have a cupboard full of knives, one worse than the other. Don't be a cheapskate on the most important equipment. Not only it's annoying to work with a blunt knife, but it's very dangerous as well. A blunt knife forces you to use a lot of pressure while cutting. And that's the point where you start losing control over your actions.

Make sure

  1. you have good quality knives. If you take good care of them they will last for years.
  2. you keep them sharp. There are many youtube tutorials concerning this topic, if you don't know how it works. I linked a quite detailed video here.

Chef's knife











A chef's knife is the the first knife you need to have. It's an absolute must-have. Good knives start at about 40-50 Euro, so in my opinion it's not even that expensive. With this knife you'll get done pretty much everything: chop herbs, cut meat, slice fruits, dice veggies...

Carving Knife









A carving knife is thinner as a chef's knife and is therefore perfect for carving thinner slices more precisely. Perfect for cutting thin slices of meat and veggies.